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Commander '85 announced for Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC

Commander '85 announced for Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC

Published: Friday, April 10, 2020Tagged: Gaming, ID@Xbox, Steam, Windows, Xbox One

Ultimate Games and The Moonwalls Studio announced today that “Commander '85”, a new game combining adventure game, science fiction thriller, survival elements and a hacker simulator, will launch for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam this year.

Commander '85

Commander '85 is a sci-fi thriller set in the 1980s, combining elements of adventure, simulation and survival games. The main protagonist, a teenager living in the suburbs of Chicago, receives a birthday present – a Commander computer. The device turns out to be the highest technological achievement, a state-of-the-art computer equipped with a real artificial intelligence system.

Decide the fate of the world using an advanced system of interaction with the computer’s artificial intelligence. Build its trust and friendliness towards you, listen to its sarcastic comments and even watch as it quarrels with your parents! With hundreds of possibilities and random elements in the game’s plot, every time you play will be different, with your choices leading to one of three possible endings.

Immerse yourself in the life of Polish immigrants in 1980’s America, learning more about their culture and problems. Remember that all parents are the same, regardless of their origins. Experience a sense of nostalgia as you recall your own childhood through the game’s randomized events and elements of your environment, from discussions about the school to nagging about how much time you’re spending in front of the computer. Complete the chores your parents give you, too – they may prevent you from saving the world, but at least you won’t be grounded or banned from playing!

Lets check out the official announcement trailer.

Winner of several industry awards for independent games during GameDaily Connect USA 2019, Playtopia 2019 and Game Connection America 2020, The Moonwalls studio is preparing various unique activities. They include, for example, hacking data networks, playing games, drawing, playing with a dog or watching video tapes. The experience will be further enriched by a soundtrack filled with ‘80s sounds (including synthwave, disco and rock), created by Marcin Maślanka.

Commander '85 Features

  • a retro sci-fi thriller
  • adventure, simulation and survival
  • set in the 1980s
  • random events and 3 different endings
  • a ton of pop-culture references
  • many additional games and programs
  • atmospheric soundtrack

A crowdfunding campaign is now available on Kickstarter to support the project. The minimum goal has been set to 8 thousand Canadian dollars (CAD), and the supporters can count on – depending on the paid amount – e.g. access to the game demo and special add-ons. The collected funds will be used to expand the game (for example adding a VR mode and additional comic-book cutscenes). The campaign will last until May 9 this year.

Commander '85 is scheduled to release simultaneously on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam this Fall. Nintendo Switch to follow in autumn 2020.

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