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Danger Gazers

ShotX Studio
Desert Water Games LLC

Danger Gazers

Optimized for Xbox Series X|S
Developer: ShotX Studio
Publisher: Desert Water Games LLC Xbox Store: here Price: $7.99


Danger Gazers is a post-apocalyptic roguelite top-down shooter where you pave your own path. The choices you make will decide your fate, it will either turn you into the new ruler or... the ashes to be windswept away. Unlock new heroes and relics as you try to conquer the wasteland, master the skills, decisions and patience. Luck is not on your side.

It's all about replayability and maximum randomization. Procedurally generated levels? Check. Random map generation? Check. Random events? Check. Tons of guns and items? Double check!

Join forces and play together with your friend in co-op mode. Share the fun, share the misery!

Offline Players: 2-2
  • Xbox Series X|S Optimized
  • Shared/Split Screen
  • Dolby Digital
Online Multiplayer: NO

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