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Clumsy Rush


Clumsy Rush

Developer: NerfGame
Publisher: RedDeerGames Xbox Store: here Price: $9.99


Clumsy Rush is a fun-filled couch multiplayer arcade game for 2-4 players that is fast-paced, easy to pick, and hard to master. It will have you and your friends laughing for hours.

Dive into the biggest hippo party. Who is the real king? Grab your friends and get ready for the craziest fights. Move like a duck around, bump each other, steal the crown, and have tons of fun together. Because the time spent with friends is priceless.

Just tap out a beat and move your feet! Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot - find your rhythm.
See that shiny yellow thing that looks like a crown? That’s what you’re after! Grab it and run to the finish line. You can’t be King of the Racing without a crown! Is your friend wearing the crown? Bump them, knock the crown off their head, then scoop it up and run, run, run! Free your inner hippo!

Xbox One X EnhancedXbox One X 4K Ultra HD
Offline Players: 1-4
Online Multiplayer: NO

Clumsy Rush Achievements