Timothy vs the Aliens is Out Now on XBOX!
Timothy vs the Aliens is Out Now on XBOX!
WildSphere's Timothy vs the Aliens is now available for Xbox on the Microsoft store for $16.99 / €16.99.
Timothy vs the Aliens is an open-world action platformer where a tough and proud gangster named Timothy will lead the resistance against an invasion of terrifying aliens that have come to devour everything they will find on their way.
The game is set in a black and white world that contrasts with the colourful aliens, and combines platforms, exploration, puzzles and a lot of action. In a large city full of characters, stories and missions, Timothy will fight against different types of aliens and enemies, and on his way he will be able to make use of both classic cars that he will find all over the city, and powerful weapons, objects and ammunition that he will buy from Luciano, the gunrunner.
Along the adventure, you'll be able to help other characters in secondary missions while you go through the city. Timothy will also be helped by other peculiar visitors that will grant him upgrades, as well as having an ace up his sleeve: a special power to slow down time. Timothy’s world will take the player to the classic gangster movies with a touch of black humour and eccentricity.
WildSphere have put love and polish again to one of their greatest hits, a title that has been enjoyed by more than 120,000 users. The new Xbox One version include a long list of improvements: improved performance, new vegetation, visual effects, improved behaviour of the enemy AI, improvement of some gameplay flows, new configuration options, etc. All this to achieve a great experience on the new platform.
With the arrival of the Aliens to Xbox One, WildSphere reinforce their commitment to the platform, to which their future releases such as "OXIDE Room 104" and "That Endless Night 1931" will arrive, both currently in development and to be released in the coming year 2022.
Timothy vs the Aliens is out now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.
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